

Sustainable Development Goals

Fulfilling Africa’s developmental aspirations requires a regional perspective, responding to transnational effects of globalization, regionalized economic opportunity, migration, infectious disease (including COVID-19), climate change, exploitation of natural resources, trafficking of drugs and people, as well as the regional spill-over of (armed) conflicts and violent extremism.

The Regional Programme for Africa embraces the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a unified vision for sustainable transformation. By implementing projects focused on poverty reduction, food security, gender equality, climate action and other critical areas, we aim to empower communities, promote sustainable practices and foster social and economic inclusion, driving positive change across the continent. By synergizing efforts and fostering innovative approaches, we strive to create a prosperous, inclusive and resilient Africa.

Link to “Learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals? Click here

Utilization per SDG
% of Utilization