Accelerating the Ratification and Domestication of African Union Treaties
Project Factsheet

Accelerating the Ratification and Domestication of African Union Treaties
Addis Ababa Hub
The joint AU-UNDP project, ‘Accelerating the Ratification and Domestication of African Union Treaties’, is a three-year multi-country and regional initiative supported by the Government of Sweden. This project is anchored in UNDP’s Regional Programme for Africa. The project is designed to address the challenges and bottlenecks associated with ratification and domestication, and to help enhance the capacity of the AU over the medium- to long-term to be able to manage the ratification process, and to provide tailored support to Member States with domestication-related challenges. It is anchored on a multi-dimensional approach to development, which draws upon the inherent link between peace, security and economic development. It will further help in the achievement of Agenda 2063 and the SDGs.
Six priority countries have been selected based on regional balance, openness to civil society, entrenched democratic system, legal diversity (encompassing the three-major existing legal systems on the African continent). The six countries are; Senegal and Burkina Faso (Western Africa) Kenya (East/Horn of Africa), Mozambique (Southern Africa), Tunisia (North Africa) and Sao Tome & Principe (Central Africa).
African Union Treaties | Interactive Map
Accelerating the ratification and domestication of AU Treaties | UNDP in Africa
Donors and Partners
No data for the year
Country Focus
Project Delivery
Delivery: 100%
Project Resources
Resources comprise of core and non-core project utilization.